The research on the coefficient of convective heat transfer and the heat of emission of two kinds of fluids as heating medium. 并通过试验台分别对两种流体热媒的采暖系统表面对流换热系数及散热量进行实测研究。
Normally, coefficient of convective heat transfer is gotten through experiments which is heating testing tube by electricity and computed through Newton cooling law. 通常,对流换热系数是在实验中以电加热试验管壁面后根据牛顿冷却定律计算得来的。
The coefficient of convective heat transfer is important to design a heat exchanger. 对流换热系数是换热器(如电厂锅炉中的省煤器、空预器,冶金炉中的各种换热设备及其日常生活中的各种热水器等)设计和校核的重要参数。
Sing Fourier Integral and δ-function an analysis of unsteady heat conduction for semi-infinite body is given in detail, assuming that the coefficient of convective heat transfer on the boundary surface between solid body and fluid is definite or infinite. 在物体壁面与流体间的换热系数为有限值或无限大情况下,用傅里叶积分和δ函数对半无限大物体非稳态导热作了全面分析。
STUDY ON THE COEFFICIENT OF CONVECTIVE HEAT TRANSFER OF THE PLATE AT HIGH TEMPERATURE DURING WATER WALL COOLING It is a convective heat transfer experiment without phases. Medium is water. 水幕冷却高温钢板对流换热系数的研究本课题的换热实验主要是进行无相变的对流换热实验,其介质为水。
It is valid for the case that the temperature and mass flow rate of the inlet fluid are time dependent and for the case that coefficient of convective heat transfer is time and place dependent. 它对流体入口流量、入口温度随时间变化情况和需考虑入口段效应及添加肋片的情况均适用。
The research results showed that the relationship between cooling time and radius of fruits and vegetables, beginning temperature and reversal coefficient of convective heat transfer is linear one, the relationship between cooling time and environmental temperature is parabolic one. 研究表明,冷却时间与果蔬半径、冷却前初始温度、对流换热系数的倒数近似成线性关系,与冷却介质温度近似成二次曲线关系。